Sarrasola ingénierie bureau études lignes aériennes 3D topographie

Who are we?

SARRASOLA is a recognised engineering company specialised in power lines networks, structure expertise, predictive maintenance as well as in cable transport project management.

analyse vibratoire SAFE

Our strengths

Bringing real added value to engineering, innovation is at the heart of our work. As for example, our SAFE expertise and non destructive cable inspection

Sarrasola ingénierie bureau études lignes sous terraines 3D topographie

Our areas of expertise

We work in a wide range of sectors, from industry to ski resorts and power & grid.

Sarrasola ingénierie bureau études lignes aériennes 3D topographie


With more than 60 years of experience, SARRASOLA is a recognised engineering company specialised in power lines, transformer stations, 3D scanning and measurement, geometric controls, structural calculations and analyses, as well as cable transport and project management.

Our location


74 rue de la Gare  – 73460 Grésy-sur-Isère

+33 4 79 37 94 16